Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Interview With Burke Balch and Ramesh Ponnuru

Last week, I had the honor of guest hosting Mychal Massie's show, Straight Talk on Right Talk Radio. I had the double honor of interviewing Ramesh Ponnuru and Burke Balch about so-called "futile care" theory. As I stated in this post:

Burke J. Balch, J.D. serves as Director of the Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics which specializes in euthanasia-related issues and is associated with the National Right to Life Committee.

He has worked as Attorney-Advisor for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, helping to write a report on denial of life-saving medical treatment to children with disabilities (“Baby Doe” cases). He was Chief Staff Counsel for the National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled, and worked as a lawyer for Americans United for Life Legal Defense Fund.

A law review article he co-authored was repeatedly quoted by the United States Supreme Court in support of its 1997 decision that there is no federal constitutional right to assist suicide. In addition, he has published articles on abortion, on ethical issues related to withholding and withdrawal of food, fluids, and life-saving medical treatment, and on advance directives. His website is here.

Ramesh Ponnuru is senior editor for National Review and has covered politics as a reporter for more than a decade. He has been a fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs in London and a media fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He is the author of The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life .

His articles have appeared in numerous publications, including the Wall Street Journal, Newsday, the Washington Times, the Weekly Standard, and Financial Times.

He is also a frequent guest on television including appearances on FOX’s The Big Story with John Gibson, CNN’s Inside Politics, MSNBC’s Scarborough Country, CSPAN’s Washington Journal and HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher.

Ponnuru is a graduate of Princeton University and lives in Washington, DC. His website is here.

The Interview lasts for about an hour and can be accessed by clicking on the little thingy below. John at Right Talk Radio gave me permission to post this. I thank the folks at Right Talk for the privilege and I highly recommend their thoughtful and educational format. The are the graduate school of talk radio.

Later I will post today's show. This sound uploading thingy takes me awhile, (cross posted at Texas Advance Directives Blog)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Geeks At The Gate: A Review of The End of Medicine, How Silicon Valley (And Naked Mice) Will Reboot Your Doctor

As some of you may know, I have been volunteering my time to represent patients and their families in situations where physicians, hospitals and hospital ethics committees have made unilateral decisions to withdraw life-sustaining treatments based on subjective opinions about "quality of life". This is called "futile care theory" and it is protected and enabled by a Texas statute allowing providers what is called "safe harbor" (protection from liability) if they follow the procedure set out in the statute before withdrawing treatment.

As part of my volunteer work, I have participated in a group that is reviewing the law with the goal of making recommendations to the legislature. This is the same group that wrote and got the present law passed.

During the first meeting, after my group's position against futile care theory became apparent, one of the hospital people came running up expressing the hope that we would support the single-payor system since we didn't want treatment withdrawn from people based on economics. I bit my tongue and quickly walked away making an excuse.

At the last meeting, I pointed out that I thought that providers should be constrained from making such unilateral decisions, in part, because of the inherent structural aspects of the health care system that severely limit the patients ability to choose treatments, facilities and those who would give them the treatments--such as licensing laws, Medicare/Medicaid regulations and insurance contractual provisions.

I said that I think that medical care is a commodity--but that the system prevents it from being treated like other commodities. For instance, if Walmart doesn't believe that it is ethical to sell adult entertainment and refuses to sell such material to you--you can go to a store that sells such products and buy them.

But, if some doctor decides that you are in a Persistent Vegetative State and that, in his view, it's unethical to continue to feed and hydrate you or provide you with air through a respirator--where else can you get such products? You will be limited from finding other placement by funding issues--and perhaps licensure issues if other doctor's don't want to be seen as giving treatment somebody else has decided is inappropriate. It's pretty much like the Blue Wall of Silence. Sort of the White Coat Wall of "We're Doctors and We Know Better than You" Intransigence.

After I argued this, a lady ran up to me and informed me that "they" don't consider healthcare a commodity. They consider it a "right" --and didn't I agree?

Because she was a gentle and caring sort--I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying: "What kind of "right" is health care when your doctors and hospital adminstrators have to power tell somebody that they can't have the health care they want and that they should just die already?"

Besides, I've never seen that particular right in the Constitution.

So here I am , in a conundrum. I want to stop hospitals from removing respirators and hydration and nutrition against the will of patients and their families, while saying that patients don't have a constitutional right to health care.

I resolve it by going back to what I pointed out before. Consumers of health care are prevented from accessing health care to the extent they can other products and services, in part, because of legal and regulatory structures that don't exist in other markets.

Those of us who decry the present materialistic and utilitarian state of medical ethics can fight like hell, but in the end I believe that the economics behind the present system will ultimately defeat us. Those of us fighting futile care theory need examine to what extent the present system for funding healthcare is degrading its ethics.

Our health care system--even without Hillarycare--is essentially socialistic. Remember what P.J. O'Rourke said about socialisam. He said it provides "the rations of slavery— hay and a barn for human cattle."

Somehow, doctors and hospitals decided that, for that one very final event, they have the sole right to sort the cows.

Personally, I don't want to be treated like a human cow. When I go to the store to buy computers, I don't let the store or the company herd me around. I don't let them tell me that I can't buy a particular software program--I just go somewhere else. Yet, I can be told by a physician, hospital or insurance company that I can't have a certain treatment or diagnostic test--even if I need it to stay alive. This is a system that can grind some people up and spit them out.

You might respond by saying that I can have all the treatments and diagnostic tests I want if I pay for it out of my own pocket. That is not always true--though having the resources to pay for such things probably does increase my changes of getting them. The problem is of course, that the cost of treatments and diagnostic tests are prohibitive for most people. The cost is also becoming prohibitive to the Federal and State governments--which is why an article came out in the New York Times last year entitled, How to Save Medicare? Die Sooner.

It was also once true that very few businesses and people could afford computers--but no longer--and they are getting cheaper all the time. Apparently, this is not happening in health care.

This brings me to what inspired the name of this post. Andy Kessler had written a great new book called
The End of Medicine, How Silicon Valley (And Naked Mice) Will Reboot your Doctor. In the book, he explores whether or not the healthcare industry is subject to Moore's Law and other economic factors. If, as Andy was taught early in his career, an economy exists as a mechanism to increase its participants quality of life, how does that apply to health care?

As Andy points out in his book, costs continue to rise in health care unlike in computer technology. Pressures are brought to bear on the Medicare/Medicaid system, insurance companies and the employers who pay for the insurance. This has resulted in attempts to ration the "pie".

So, can we increase the "pie" as we have in other markets--or are we stuck with Malthusian approaches in health care . Or can technology Geeks storming the Gates of medicine, once again, consign Malthus to the dustbin of economic history?

Andy's book takes a look at what a merging of Silicon Valley and medicine might create. In his words, his book " is about early detection, saving lives and huge costs by finding heart, stroke and cancer early enough to do something, rather than let nature do the screening for the medical industry".

He looks at the promising advances in technology for screening for diseases and risks--as well as the impediments to implementation. To get his information, he hung out in hospitals, research facilities and with Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.

One might think that such a book would be dry and sleep-promoting. One would think wrong. The book is fast-paced, funny and enlightening to even a lawyer, like me, who doesn't know a byte from a mosquito-induced lesion.

What's more, I get to interview Andy Kesslar about his book on Straight Talk on Right Talk Radio this coming Tuesday, July 25 , at 1pm ET. I'm sitting in for Mychal Massie again.

I'm going to ask him about his book and how if might transform medicine to allow consumers better access and more power. I think that the more power that consumers have, the less likely somebody else is going to treat them like human cows at a sorting event. Access to Medicine, in my opinion, should be "democratized" (Andy's word) like access to computers. Only, it should be the free-market kind of democratizing instead of the rationing kind. Perhaps Andy can tell us if that is what is going to happen.

So tune in on Tuesday for what promises to be a fast-paced, funny and informative interview.

P.S. It's really odd that while I've been writing this, the movie Soylent Green has been showing on the Turner Classic Movies channel.

(cross-posted at Sue Bob's Diary)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Katrina Hospital Deaths and Medical Ethics

It's being reported that a doctor and three nurses have been arrested and booked because of the deaths of patients at Memorial Medical Center in New Orleans. (HT Drudge)

A doctor and two nurses have been arrested in connection with the deaths of patients at a New Orleans hospital after Hurricane Katrina hit the city, the Louisiana attorney general's office said Tuesday.

The three were arrested late Monday and booked on suspicion of second- degree murder, said Kris Wartelle, a spokeswoman for Attorney General Charles C. Foti.

The prosecution must prove intent to gain a conviction in these cases. If intent is proved, the book should be thrown at these medical professionals.

Please don't forget to join me on Straight Talk on Right Talk Radio at 1 ET today. We will be discussing the present state of medical ethics.

Monday, July 17, 2006

I'm doing Talk Radio on Life Issues Tomorrow

I will be guest-hosting my friend Mychal Massie's show Straight Talk on Right Talk Radio tomorrow, Tuesday, July 18. It will air at 1 pm ET (12 pm CT) My guests will be Burke Balch--who will be on the air the first segment and Ramesh Ponneru will appear the during the 2nd segment and 3rd segment.

Burke J. Balch, J.D. serves as Director of the Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics which specializes in euthanasia-related issues and is associated with the National Right to Life Committee.

He has worked as Attorney-Advisor for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, helping to write a report on denial of life-saving medical treatment to children with disabilities (“Baby Doe” cases). He was Chief Staff Counsel for the National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled, and worked as a lawyer for Americans United for Life Legal Defense Fund.

A law review article he co-authored was repeatedly quoted by the United States Supreme Court in support of its 1997 decision that there is no federal constitutional right to assist suicide. In addition, he has published articles on abortion, on ethical issues related to withholding and withdrawal of food, fluids, and life-saving medical treatment, and on advance directives. His website is here.

Ramesh Ponnuru is senior editor for National Review and has covered politics as a reporter for more than a decade. He has been a fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs in London and a media fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He is the author of The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life .

His articles have appeared in numerous publications, including the Wall Street Journal, Newsday, the Washington Times, the Weekly Standard, and Financial Times.

He is also a frequent guest on television including appearances on FOX’s The Big Story with John Gibson, CNN’s Inside Politics, MSNBC’s Scarborough Country, CSPAN’s Washington Journal and HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher.

Ponnuru is a graduate of Princeton University and lives in Washington, DC. His website is here.

In part, we will be discussing futile care theory and what is going on in Texas.

Right Talk Radio streams across the internet. You may listen by clicking here. Then, precisely at 1 pm ET, click on the button that says Straight Talk and you will be able to listen.

Feel free to call in with questions or comments at this number: 1-866-884-8255 (TALK)

If you miss it, the show will replay every hour on the hour for the rest of the day.